When we started work in the mid-sixties, we were the 'gofers' in our department - go for this, go for that.

Being innocent apprentices, we were invariably sent to the infamous trim shop, unaware that it was inhabited by the most sexually provocative females known to man.

Some of us were playfully molested. Some actually got out minus their trousers, but with wide smiles.

Occasionally, one would exit upset, but having learned never to take yourself too seriously, because someone will always educate you.

Just imagine this happening today.

Such behaviour would be followed by a suspension, a court case, a criminal record, loss of job, loss of your home etc. Why did we meekly accept American Political Correctness, having ridiculed it in the 1970s?

Feeble excuses about racial tolerance and protecting different communities don't wash.

Common sense has gone out of the window.

Thirty years ago, we had a higher tolerance level for differing cultures.

A mixed race friend of mine - he referred to himself as half-caste - would take the mickey out of me, calling me 'honkey'.

I would reciprocate, with no offence meant or taken.

Now we have our hands tied and our mouths gagged. Luckily, I can write with my left foot!

MICHAEL HEAVEY Oxford Road Old Marston Oxford