Ida Burns, who has died aged 86, was born and bred in Littlemore and oversaw the upbringing of three generations of her family.

Born in 1921, the then Ida Luxton went to Temple Cowley School where she developed a love of sports, in particular hockey, tennis and swimming, at which she competed across Oxford at school girl level.

After leaving school Mrs Burns worked at Littlemore Laundry before taking up a position in the canteens of Pressed Steel, in Cowley.

Here, she met her future husband Edward, who was the brother of her best friend.

They married in 1949 and set up home in Littlemore. They had five children of their own, Terry, Barry, Yvonne, Mollie and Vicky, and a stepson, John.

She loved to play bingo and often went to the Regal, in Cowley Road, earning herself the affectionate nickname 'Bingo Nan', from her nine grandchildren.

Mrs Burns also did volunteer work for the then Spastics Society (now Scope) and the Lady Hoare Trust, which provided help to families affected by thalidomide.

Christmas was always a time that saw her gathering her family together.

Granddaughter Amanda said: "I don't ever remember spending a Christmas at home, it was always at my nan's. There was always lots of family, everyone would be stuffed and we would all sit around and play games."

Loved ones have described her as a woman who always had an open door and would never turn someone away.

Her granddaughter said: "The kettle would always be on. She was a wonderful mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Everyone will miss her greatly."

Mrs Burns passed away at home in the early hours of Good Friday morning, surrounded by those she loved.

Her funeral will take place at Rose Hill Cemetery, on Wednesday, where she will be buried with her late husband on what would have been their 59th wedding anniversary.