Members of the public are being asked to help trace a man who has gone missing from his home in Oxford.

Kevin Morrison, 38, of Starwort Path, Blackbird Leys, was last seen on Thursday at a friend's funeral in Oxford and was reported missing on Saturday.

He is described as 5ft 8in, of skinny build, and was last seen wearing a purple shirt and black trousers.

Paul Garbett, Oxfordshire missing persons co-ordinator, said: "We're becoming increasingly concerned for Kevin's welfare.

"He was due to go on holiday with friends yesterday. I'd also like to appeal to Kevin directly for him to please get in touch with his family and put their minds at rest.

"Kevin was recently diagnosed with the condition Bell's Palsy, which means one side of his face is paralysed and swollen."

Anyone with information should call Mr Garbett on 08458 505505, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.