Sir - I was very disappointed to see the article Church might apply for alcohol licence, February 29, in which my name is printed.

The article misrepresents the lengthy conversation I had with your journalist in which I made it clear that the building's primary purpose remained as a church and that the priority of the project was to ensure the sanctity of the church would remain intact. On the subject of alcohol, it was stated that an event organiser may occasionally seek an alcohol licence rather than the church applying for a licence. In addition, the quotes attributed to me in the article create the distinct impression that we are seeking to distance the project from the church and are out of context. We are in fact working very closely with the church at all levels to ensure a "win-win" outcome.

While recognising the enormous amount of good the press can do when supporting community projects, I find it most regrettable when articles like this one stir up unnecessary controversy.

Having so said I hope that The Oxford Times will continue to follow Project Inspire as it develops into a new community facility and look forward to reading about the eventual opening in your pages.

Stephen Flint, Fernham