Sir - On Thursday, March 13, I went into St Aldate's post office. There is still no information in the porch, months after I first complained.

If you go inside, you will see no information about postal rates, but lots of commercial adverts.

Still less will you see anything about the forthcoming increase in postage rates scheduled for Monday, April 7, next. Luckily I saw a tiny paragraph back in January saying that a second-class stamp will go up from 24p to 27p and a first-class stamp from 34p to 36p.

However a helpful post office employee assured me that a notice about the increase would be put up "as soon as it arrives". We shall see . . .

Meantime, this month I shall go and buy 400 second-class stamps on behalf of Oxfordshire Pensioners' Action Group, as I did last March. That time I saved £8 for OXPAG. This time I shall save £12 over the year. I urge all your readers who send many cards or letters to stock up well before the increases. Oh yes! Check whether your local post office, if it's still open, has a notice about the increases before April 5.

M. Hugh-Jones, Oxford