Sir - I endorse the comments (Report, March 14) about the flawed proposal to close certain Post Offices. It is a disgrace that such important community facilities should be in jeopardy, especially when the current emphasis of the Government and many recent reports is on "the community" (links with, help within, etc.) and "Britishness".

The Post Office's logo in advertisements claims it is "the people's Post Office" - how can this be justified when there are proposals (badly and often erroneously formed) to reduce local services to "the people"?

In Lower Wolvercote we face the possible closure of our Post Office. It provides excellent service on a part-time (but very sensibly scheduled) basis for five days a week. As a sub-Post Office, it is not permitted to offer the full and wide range of services which, if accessible locally, could bring increased trade to the branch. Our Post Office in the excellent and only shop in Lower Wolvercote gives convenience and a community focus to the wide spectrum of residents, for whom a journey elsewhere would impinge on their working time, be beyond their physical capabilities or incur expensive bus fares. Some elderly people may lose the independence of direct access to their money and possible reduction of caring time from others who may have to undertake their banking for them. The impending plans to build 200 new dwellings here will exacerbate the need for a local Post Office and shop.

Closures in Oxfordshire and the country as a whole, could have a disastrous impact on the shops in which they are often situated. There appears to be a lack of rational thinking in Whitehall and beyond over what facilities are necessary for the people, the environment, and indeed the future of the Post Office.

Sheila Pargeter, Lower Wolvercote