Proud grandparents David and Susan Law are seeing double after both their children had babies on the same day.

Mr and Mrs Law, from Wantage, were thrilled when their daughter Katy and their son Martin's wife Kirsty fell pregnant.

But despite being due more than six weeks apart, both babies arrived on Saturday.

Mr Law, 54, said: "We still can't quite believe it. Goodness knows what the odds of this happening are.

"I wish I had put some money on it, but it's a wonderful Easter present."

The first to arrive was Maisie Laura Violet Bevan - the daughter of Katy and her husband Quentin, both 30, from Grove.

Mr Law said: "Maisie was due on March 12, but was reluctant to arrive.

"Katy's waters broke late in the evening of March 20 and she went into the JR at 12.30am on March 22. Maisie was born at 1.48pm, weighing in at 8lb 3oz."

Baby number two, Megan April Emily Law, was born to Martin, 33, and Kirsty, 23, two hours later - and five weeks' early - at the Great Western Hospital, in Swindon.

Mr Law said: "Kirsty and Martin recently moved from Wantage to Swindon and Kirsty was admitted to hospital with pre-eclampsia on March 20.

"She was told she would be induced within the next couple of days, so we knew the baby would be coming soon after the first, but we never imagined how soon.

"When we found out both had arrived within hours of each other, we were over the moon.

"We had never heard of it, but we were absolutely thrilled. It was a real case of buy one, get one free.

"People we've told think we've had twin grand-daughters - they're amazed when we say they're from different families."

The baby cousins could indeed have netted him a pretty penny at the bookies.

Rupert Adams, of bookmakers William Hill, said: "If Mr Law had come to us two years ago and asked for the odds of his children having babies on the same day, we would have offered him 5,000-1.

"If he had done it nine months ago, when he knew both were expecting - despite the extraordinary circumstances of the babies being due six weeks apart - the odds would have gone down to 33-1. Even so, this would have been a worthwhile bet to place."

In a further twist, Katy and Quentin had, after an earlier scan, been expecting a son, so Maisie's arrival was a surprise.

Mr Law added: "Martin and Kirsty had also decided on the middle name of April to coincide with the month Megan was due - but they decided to stick with the name despite her early arrival."

Maisie is now at home with her parents in Grove, while Megan, who weighed 3lb 9oz, is expected to spend a fortnight in hospital.

"We would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who helped deliver our beautiful new grand-daughters.

"We can't wait to have everyone back together so we can celebrate our new arrivals.

"We're all looking forward to seeing the new babies grow up together and have some fantastic joint birthday parties."