A bereaved father will cycle 300 miles from London to Paris to raise money for a charity in memory of his baby daughter.

In July, Daniel James, of Mayotts Road, Abingdon, will complete the four-day ride to raise money for national charity Action Medical Research's Tiny Lives Campaign, which funds medical research into life-threatening pregnancy complications and premature births.

In November, Mr James's partner Hannah Kinch gave birth to their first child Lily two months early and with an abdominal wall defect called an exomphalos.

After seven weeks of battling the condition, Lily died.

Mr James, 30, said he discovered Action Medical Research while researching Lily's condition.

He wants to raise at least £1,100 for the charity's annual London to Paris bike ride.

Mr James said: "It means everything to me to know that I've contributed to such an amazing cause and I'm so proud to know that we're able to do something positive to commemorate Lily's brief time with us."

For more information, visit the charity's website at action.org.uk