Councils continue to raise business rent bills way above inflation, reportedly between 30 and 200 per cent, uncontrolled, apparently, by any legal restrictions.

They should not be surprised if taxpayers view this as legalised fraud and, more significantly, that the younger generation become convinced that if cynical business theft is permissible, why shouldn't any other theft also be socially acceptable?

The line between right and wrong, truth and lies, has become more politically blurred.

Try explaining to children why it is right to invade foreign countries, based on a lie, indiscriminately killing the occupants and not being guilty of mass murder.

No, I can't either.

Hopefully, our grandchildren will grow up to reject the dodgy set of values that our esteemed Scottish and European leaders put before us, but I won't hold my breath.

MICHAEL HEAVEY Oxford Road Old Marston Oxford