KenJones wrote a desperate but excellent letter about the massive increase he, as a pensioner, faces in his energy bills (Oxford Mail, March 18).

Most current pensioners are going to be hit hard by these criminal increases, and don't forget, anyone reading this letter should aspire to be a pensioner one day, so this will affect the majority of us.

What do the likes of Mr Jones and the rest of us do about this?

One thing we could do is to campaign against the renewal of Trident, the wrongly-named 'Independent Nuclear Missile System'.

If this apology for a Government, or any other for that matter, is willing to spend more than £70bn on illegal, immoral and unwinnable wars and renew these weapons of mass destruction, it must be told we will not tolerate it.

If we spent the money on our pensioners, perhaps we could stop thousands dying each winter, because they cannot afford to put on the heater.

TIM SIRET Evans Road Eynsham