BEING asked to look at someone else's wedding photographs is often a reason to suddenly remember an urgent appointment elsewhere.

But a village museum has come up with a different angle on marriage memorabilia, and a new exhibition which opened over Easter is an absorbing look at weddings from years gone by.

Curators at Bloxham Museum have put together a history of matrimony in the village dating back many generations.

Among the exhibits of Something Old, Something Blue are photographs of brides and grooms, wedding presents couples have treasured for many years, wedding dresses and veils, bridesmaids' outfits, engagement rings, wedding invitations, and marriage certificates - all loaned to the museum by villagers.

Jan Warner, one of the three curators, said: "We had a difficult three months tracking down suitable wedding paraphernalia. We advertised in the village magazine and eventually collected enough to make an interesting display.

"The exhibits go back to 1890, and the oldest wedding dress on show dates back to 1923."

The exhibition includes wedding facts and superstitions and a little-known origin of the 'best man'.

And for younger visitors, there is a quiz. The exhibition is on until November 15, and the museum opens Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holiday Mondays. Admission is 50p for adults and 10p for children.

Mrs Warner added: "Although the exhibition is of Bloxham weddings, people from outside the village will also find it interesting looking back at the way things were."