More young women have entered this year's Miss Oxford competition.

This year, the Oxford Mail has joined forces with the organisers of Miss England to choose Miss Oxford Mail 2008.

More than 40 women have now put their names forward.

The contenders are being invited to a photo audition at the Oxford Mail offices tomorrow.

One of the latest entries is Chantal Murray, 22, from Headington, Oxford, who works for Champion Recruitment in Oxford.

She said she had gone for a photo shoot with a London-based model agency when she was 16 and was disappointed that, although she was only a size 8/10, she was asked to lose weight.

She said: "They asked me to lose a stone and that put me off modelling.

"I wasn't impressed that they categorised me as larger than their current models.

"My interests include playing acoustic guitar, clubbing in London, cars, football and reading."

Another last-minute entry is Leanne Miles, 18, from Wantage, who said: "I have always lived in my home town of Wantage and attended King Alfred's sports college, where my interests included performing arts, music and most sports including judo, for which I won national trophies."

Sophie Smith, 18, from New Marston, Oxford, who works as an activities' assistant in a creche, said: "In the future, I would like to become a kids' club holiday rep, working abroad."

Nicola Greaney, 19, from Cowley, Oxford, who loves designing ceramics, said: "I've entered the Miss Oxford Mail competition because I would describe myself as someone taking on a new challenge."

The winner could become Miss England and compete in Miss World, following in the footsteps of the current Miss England, Georgia Horsley.

Eleanor Glynn, 21, from Sandford-on-Thames, was crowned Miss Oxford in 2006, and went on to win Miss England. Oxford's Daniella Luan achieved the same feat in 2002.

Both women travelled across the globe to compete in the Miss World competition, and Miss England organiser Angie Beasley said Oxfordshire are often provided a high number of entries.

Following the photo shoot, about 20 finalists will be selected for the final round of the competition.

They will then appear in a special Miss Oxford Mail feature where readers can help select the winner.

The ultimate winner of Miss Oxford Mail will win a place in the Miss England grand final on July 18 - and receive a prize package worth more than £2,000, which includes a two-day stay in London for the Miss England final, a day at a Champneys health resort, a photo shoot and portfolio from the Fresh Academy and an evening gown worth £500.

For further information call Ms Beasley on 01162 440479 or email her at