A PENSIONER has said a new national concessionary bus pass scheme was unfair, as the times the pass allows people to travel varies between districts.

The new pass, which comes into force on April 1, entitles anyone over 60 or disabled to free travel on local buses between 9.30am and 11pm.

But three out of five district councils in Oxfordshire have decided to run the Government- subsidised scheme from 9am instead, and meet the extra cost themselves, although Cherwell and Vale of White Horse District Councils have not.

Gwynneth Cooke, 73, from Kidlington, said: "I realise these passes are issued by different councils, but surely if a scheme is national, then it should be just that, not national with regional variations."

Both leaders of Cherwell and the Vale said the decision not to extend the scheme was taken for financial reasons.

Cherwell leader Barry Wood said it would cost council taxpayers an extra £120,000 annually.

He added that extending the scheme in the future was still a possibility.