With snow flurries and icy gusts over the weekend, it seems hard to believe spring has officially arrived.

But these ducklings - part of an environmental project at Marsh Baldon Primary School - decided to make an appearance just in time for Easter.

Seven of the chicks hatched after being cared for by pupils at the school who are, according to their teacher, "absolutely besotted" with them.

Teacher Isobel Bamford said: "We've been studying the environment this term and have been looking at problems with the environment and ways to improve it.

"We have a pond at school which hasn't been used for years, so the children thought having some ducks might be a nice way to improve the school environment.

"As it is Easter, we thought it would be good for the children to see the ducklings hatch and gain an understanding of how life starts.

"They have been looking after the eggs for the past four weeks or so and have been so excited.

"They have even taken to being quiet in the classroom when the ducklings are sleeping.

"The children have been absolutely besotted with them."