The loved ones of all victims of crime deserve justice, and particularly when it is a case of murder.

But so far, despite strenuous efforts by police, that right has been denied relatives and friends of Enayit Khalili.

Today, a fresh appeal has been launched for information, and police have increased the reward offered to those helping to secure a conviction from £5,000 to £25,000.

It is now a year since Mr Khalili was stabbed when he opened the door of his home at Rose Hill, Oxford.

Six men were quickly arrested and questioned, but were later released without charge.

Police have followed hundreds of lines of inquiry, while Mr Khalili's family have made emotional appeals for information from the public.

But every possible avenue has drawn a blank.

There must be at least one person in this city who knows the identity of the killer, or suspects someone of committing the crime.

Police hope that the £25,000 reward will finally tempt someone to reveal that vital clue.

It is now time for them to come forward - Mr Khalili's family have waited long enough.