Teenagers have voiced their opinions about life on an Oxford estate in a Big Brother-style documentary.

A group of 12- to 16-year-olds have spent three months filming and editing a film about living in Barton.

The 30 teenagers created a BB-style diary room at the youth centre, in Underhill Circus, before airing their opinions about youth facilities, graffiti and their relationships with their neighbourhood's police officers.

The eight-minute film, called Big Barton Yard, is one of five films which will go live on a new website by the end of March.

Kieran Watson, a youth worker who has organised the project through the Government-funded My Media Box scheme, said: "The film is definitely an eye-opener because it's young people's voices and them speaking about community development.

"The young people feel proud to live here but they feel there is lots of room for improvement.

"The film is like reality TV. It was a chance for them to offload their emotions, and to recognise their ambitions."

Josh Hall, 14, from Bassett Road, said: "It was actually quite fun. I haven't really done anything like that before.

"We went around Barton speaking to people, asking them what they liked about living here.

"I like Barton because I know everyone here.

"It might be a rough estate but I grew up here and I know what it's like."

Celeste Prytherch, 15, from Stowford Road, said: "It was our idea to actually do it like Big Brother.

"We just wanted to show people our points of view about Barton. The people are friendly and it's a multi-cultural estate."

Kieran Jones, 13, from Ilsey Road, said: "I helped plan the film.

"I'd like to do a project like this again."

Tarryn James, 11, from Cranley Road, said: "Everyone makes Barton out to be a really bad place and really horrible, but that is not really true."