Oxfordshire Pensioners' Action Group is very concerned about the latest round of post office closures, with its serious effects on pensioners.

It is one of the topics which we shall discuss at our annual meeting in Oxford Town Hall on Wednesday, April 9.

We recall that in the old days, 15-20 years ago, there was a small voluntary committee called POAC - the local Post Office Advisory Committee - which met quarterly and sorted out local problems with post office managers.

Suddenly, about 10 years ago, it was abolished for no reason by the new Blair Government.

Instead, it set up a much larger, more remote, more expensive organisation called Postwatch, which has put up no real resistance to post office closures.

In fact, it seems all too cosy with the new highly-paid bosses of the post office, whose only interest seems to be profit.

We are glad to see local MPs such as David Cameron and Boris Johnston visiting village post offices which are threatened with closure - Wootton by Woodstock and Stanton St John.

We urge ALL readers, not only pensioners, to write to their own MP about this latest threat.

JUDITH COULING Chairman MICHAEL HUGH-JONES Secretary Oxfordshire Pensioners' Action Group