A stick-dipping treasure seeker failed to turn up at court to learn his fate.

Shofik Townsend was caught on camera using a stick-and-chewing gum contraption to try and fish bank notes out of a donations box at city centre gallery Modern Art Oxford.

A judge deferred sentence for a month in August after learning that 45-year-old Townsend’s difficulties could be linked to a traumatic childhood and a long history of drug addiction.

He was due to return to Oxford Crown Court on Wednesday morning his sentencing.

And when he failed to show-up, Judge Michael Gledhill QC issued a warrant for his arrest.

Last month, CCTV was played to the crown court showing Townsend walking into the Pembroke Street gallery on April 5.

The granddad, who has almost 100 previous court appearances to his name, could be seen prodding a stick through the slot in the donation box before attempting to inch a cash note to freedom.

He was initially charged with theft until it was pointed out to the prosecution that Townsend had failed to make off with any money.

Townsend, of Cowley Road, Oxford, pleaded guilty to an alternative charge of attempted theft. He also admitted stealing two bicycles.

The judge deferred sentence on conditions that he stay out of trouble, re-engage with the probation service and comply with an existing drug rehabilitation order.

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This story was written by Tom Seaward. He joined the team in 2021 as Oxfordshire's court and crime reporter.  

To get in touch with him email: Tom.Seaward@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @t_seaward