NEW 20mph speed restrictions could be put in place across Abingdon.

Oxfordshire County Council, the highways authority, wants to “build safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle” by introducing new speed limits on “most” residential roads.

The roads proposed are those bounded by the ring road, which are currently 30mph, as well as those south of the river Ock.

Additionally, there are some 40mph roads that could be reduced to 30mph such as Audlett Drive, Twelve Acre Drive, Dunmore Road, Copenhagen Drive, and Colwell Drive.

The highways authoirty has noted that sections of existing 30mph speed limits on the A415 Marcham Road, Colwell Drive, Nuffield Way, A4183 Oxford Road, Radley Road and the B4017 Wootton Road will be retained.

This is along with the existing 40mph speed limit on the B4017 Drayton Road.

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A statement released by the council said: “The proposals are being put forward following road safety concerns raised by the town council and seek an improvement of road safety for all users, and a reduction of the Counties carbon footprint, which form part of a countywide programme of works that seeks to deliver ‘a safer place with a safer pace’.

County councillor Nathan Ley, who represents Abingdon North, said he “strongly supports” the policies and urges residents to look through the proposals.

He said: “Following many dozens of emails and possibly over a hundred mentions on the doorstep, Oxfordshire County Council has now launched a consultation on a plan to make most residential roads in Abingdon 20mph and to take some 40mph roads down to 30mph.

“Fundamentally I strongly support this policy because lower speed limits will promote road safety, health, environment, and generally make our neighbourhoods more pleasant places to live, and to me that’s more important than anything else.

“This plan was put together by Abingdon Town Council in collaboration with county officers, the police and members of the community.

“Along with other Abingdon councillors I support the general thrust of this, however, I want you to have a look through these documents too and respond with any specific comments or suggestions yourself - I am listening mode so I will take specific things on board.

“There will always be people with a different view, but this is why I think the policy is worthwhile. I’ll always put safety and liveability over the right to bomb through our neighbourhoods.”

The highways authority has started a public consultation to get residents' thoughts on the proposed changes. 

Any objections or other representations on the proposal should be submitted by Friday, September 30.

To comment, or for more information, visit: