These five boys polished off their first task at the start of the annual Scouts’ Job Week.

They took great care washing down the sleek lines of a new Austin Morris car.

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The lads were members of the 10th and 35th Oxford Scout groups and were pictured in 1975 cleaning and polishing the car at the Cowley factory.

They hoped to wash lots of other cars - at 20p a time - in the coming week, with the help of cleaning liquid that a manufacturer had distributed free to Scouts throughout the county.

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Getting the car above into shape in 1975 are, left to right, Chris Stanley, Kevin Crossin, Mark Blackwell, Shayne Ryan and Mike Stanley.

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This story was written by Andy Ffrench, he joined the team more than 20 years ago and now covers community news across Oxfordshire.

Get in touch with him by emailing:

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