OXFORD Community School can this week claim to be the county's greenest and most eco-friendly secondary school.

First it became the first secondary school in Oxfordshire to earn a green flag eco-award.

And then it immediately offered further evidence of its green credentials by becoming the latest school to sign up for our OxClean event.

The school, in Glanville Road, says it will be taking part in the city spring clean, which is being held on March 14, 15 and 16.

To win its green flag, the pupils were involved in everything from growing and selling organic vegetables, to reducing the school's carbon emissions. For OxClean it will be nominating an area in or around the school and then enlisting volunteers to pick up litter as their contribution to the city-wide spring clean.

The school says it is still deciding on a site where the volunteers could make the biggest impact. The clean-up is being backed by The Oxford Times and run by the Oxford Civic Society and Oxford City Council.

Groups, schools and businesses volunteering may nominate a local street park, playground, industrial estate, town square or public open space: the choice is theirs.

OxClean organisers are urging residents' associations, youth groups, colleges, restaurants and pubs to join a two-hour litter pick over the weekend in March.

As well as selecting a site, each group will be responsible for recruiting volunteers and organising the collection of litter and some of the equipment that may be needed, such as gloves.

Anyone wishing to take part should visit oxclean.oxfordcivicsoc.org.uk, email oxclean@oxfordcivicsoc.org.uk, or write to OxClean Spring Clean 2008, 67 Cunliffe Close, Oxford, OX2 7BJ. f=Zapf Dingbats s=8 l=8.5n f=Swis721 Blk BT s=8.5 l=9.5CLEANING UP THE COMMUNITY:f=Swis721 Bd BT Pupils from Oxford Community School are getting behind the OxClean campaign of=Helvetica Cond bi s=8.5 l=9.5Pictures: of=Helvetica Cond bi Antony Moore