Since you have chosen to publish John Roper's splenetic opinions about Jean Fooks (Oxford Mail, February 4), please publish this attempt to calm his abuse and put my fellow Summertown councillor's work into a more rational perspective.

I do not know what work Mr Roper undertakes for the people of Summertown, but from my many contacts in the community, it is obvious to me that he has chosen to distort the widespread feeling of respect and goodwill one finds for Mrs Fooks's contribution to the city council's responsibilities in the area.

I need hardly say that she is almost tireless in her attendance at meetings to find benches for pensioners, social workers for underprivileged children, estate managers to improve the life of tenants, helpful advice to community support officers - the typical work of a councillor who wishes to creatively connect the wishes of the council with the needs of its citizens.

To pretend otherwise is grossly misleading and thoroughly unjust.

Naturally, Mrs Fooks's high profile through her work in implementing the city's waste recycling has exposed difficulties which have tempted a few people to personalise their attacks on a system which is difficult to introduce without some adjustments. Your newspaper has not spared her and we draw our own conclusions as to the justice of the attacks.

Political work quite rightly invites rigorous scrutiny, but it is not only the shrill tone of your correspondent which casts doubt on his veracity, the letter's content is a contemptible distortion of the truth.

Coun Tony Hollander (Lib Dem, Summertown Ward, Oxford City Council