STOP-GAP funding of £20,000 has been provided by Cherwell District Council to keep the award-winning Animation Station open after the Arts Council withdrew its annual grant of £23,000.

The council's executive agreed on Monday to increase its funding for the facility - taking the council's total bill for the station to £112,000 for the coming year.

The extra money will ensure a continued service at current levels in the short term, while alternative funding sources are investigated.

The council will explore other avenues of income to ensure that users of the station do not lose out.

Cllr George Reynolds, the council's executive member for community, recreation, and health, said: "The council is bitterly disappointed that the Animation Station has had its core funding cut by Arts Council England in their latest review.

"Unfortunately, this is another example of a grant being withdrawn for a valuable local service.

"We are left with the choice of asking the organisation to make cuts, or fund it ourselves.

"The station provides an extensive service to young people, organised groups, and the wider community, and its projects are highly successful in engaging with people who wouldn't normally join in with arts activities.

"For these reasons, we feel that £20,000 funding is money well spent."

The withdrawal of the Arts Council funding comes as the council has agreed plans to relocate the station from Banbury town hall to the North Oxfordshire Academy.