NEW lightweight flood defence bags are to be trialled alongside traditional sand bags in a bid to prevent flood devastation similar to that suffered in the 2007 summer rainstorms.

Cherwell District Council, in partnership with Charter Community Housing, has ordered 500 bags which are supplied flat but inflate on contact with water.

Bob Douglas, contracts supervisor with Charter, said: "Because these bags are supplied flat they can be stored and transported much easier than traditional sandbags.

"They are also extremely lightweight which means they can be used by residents who would otherwise be unable to lift a traditional sandbag."

He said: "Some cottages in Wendlebury are frequently on danger alert for flooding. These new bags can be stored in the locality and used by the residents, many of whom are elderly, in times of emergency. It could make a real difference."

Tony Brummell, CDC's head of building control and engineering services, added: "We are constantly trying to learn from our experiences and improve the service we offer.

"Last summer we were working against the clock as flood waters rose rapidly and we believe these new bags, used alongside our more traditional methods, will enable us to help more people in a shorter space of time.

"We are also actively encouraging our residents who are at risk of flooding to prepare themselves for future events so that they do not have to rely on us as a last resort."