A CHILDREN'S group is hoping a grant to pay for a temporary support worker will help secure its future.

The group, based at the Pact Family Centre, in Hillary Drive, Didcot, was set up by children's charity the Springboard Family Project.

The group, which has not yet been named, offers parental support and a behaviour management programme for children to encourage them to make positive decisions.

It was awarded £3,255 from the Oxfordshire Community Foundation, a charitable trust set up to help 'disadvantaged' people in the county, to fund a part-time worker until the end of March, in the hope it would be able to support itself on a permanent basis afterwards.

Doreen Kennard, Springboard project manager, said: "The future is really bright for this group.

"Lots of different agencies are behind it."

She added: "This grant will enable vulnerable children in the Didcot area to access groups which provide them with the opportunity to increase their self-esteem and improve their ability to reach their full potential."

Wally Cox, grants manager for the community foundation, said: "We're delighted to contribute towards this valuable group.

"We try to focus our grants on small, grass-roots, community organisations which are making small but significant differences to the lives of children and young people."