Rapist jailed

Clayton Moiloa, 27, was jailed for four-and-a-half years for raping a child when he was in his early teens.

The Oxford man, now of HMP Bullingdon, was found guilty of two counts of rape.

Sending him down for four years and six months, Judge Maria Lamb said she would have taken a nine year starting point had Moiloa been older when he committed the sexual assault.

He will be on the sex offender register for life.

READ MORE: Child rapist 'is not a sex offender', supporter tells court

Sneak thief

Oxford Mail: Ruban Neptune Picture: TVPRuban Neptune Picture: TVP

A ‘rubbish’ burglar sneaked into a Risinghurst flat and snatched a man bag – while one of the occupants was inside.

The Firetrap bag was said to have contained ‘tacos receipts’, a passport, birth certificate, tobacco tin, Paypal business cards and military passes.

The opportunistic theft was discovered when the bag’s owner, who had left the front door to The Roundway apartment unlocked as his partner was in the flat on May 23 last year, returned home to find the door open.

Ruban Neptune, 42, was identified from the clothes he was wearing after he was snapped on a nearby shop’s CCTV.

Having been described by his barrister as a ‘rubbish’ burglar, Judge Maria Lamb jailed him for two years and eight months.

READ MORE: 'Rubbish' burglar jailed for fourth housebreaking conviction in 10 years

Nightclub flasher

Oxford Mail: Suranga Wijethunga outside Oxford Crown CourtSuranga Wijethunga outside Oxford Crown Court

Suranga Wijethunga was found guilty in January of sexually assaulting two young women at ATIK, Park End Street, in the early hours of November 30, 2019, and exposing himself to the foreign exchange students.

He claimed that he’d been drunk, was caught short and found himself urinating on the dancefloor.

“I was drunk, confused and I wished to pee,” he told the court while being cross-examined on the stand.

The 36-year-old, who continues to deny any wrongdoing, was jailed for 13 months.

READ MORE: Jail for Oxford man who exposed himself and sexually assaulted dancers in ATIK

Thug hides beneath table

Oxford Mail: Matias Marquez-MuruaMatias Marquez-Murua

Matias Marquez-Murua, 42, hid under a table in the HMP Bullingdon video link room as he was jailed for 26 months.

Earlier, faced with two empty chairs on the TV screen, Judge Nigel Daly told the prosecution barrister: “I understand that even though we can’t see Mr Marquez-Murua on the link he is in fact in the link room at Bullingdon.

“He is presently under the table, which is why we can’t see him.”

The trial heard Marquez-Murua threw lukewarm coffee over a detention officer at Abingdon police station, after he was arrested in early September for stealing a bicycle.

Later that month, on September 21, he punched an NHS nurse so hard in the face that he broke her spectacles and forced the splintered glass into her eye.

Just a week later, on September 29, he punched another female nurse then struck a male healthcare assistant who came to his colleague’s aid. He was put in an isolation room, which he covered with his own excrement.

READ MORE: Poo throwing nurse attacker hides beneath table as judge jails him for 26 months​

Man bombarded ex with calls

Jealous ex Thomas West bombarded his former partner with phone calls and vile messages, leaving her afraid to leave the house.

The 31-year-old texted the woman within a day of their break-up, boasting: “I’ve done two years for holding [my ex-partner] at knife point, you know.”

Oxford Crown Court heard that in just one two minute period he made 15 WhatsApp calls to his ex.

He also sent her sexually-explicit videos of himself in a misguided attempt to persuade her to take him back.

He was jailed for 14 months by Judge Ian Pringle QC.

READ MORE: Stalker left ex 'afraid to leave the house'

Dealer's anger at jury

Oxford Mail: Philip Pledge Picture: TVPPhilip Pledge Picture: TVP

A dealer caught with three-quarters of a kilo of cocaine in his bedroom safe said it was a ‘big misjustice’ as he was jailed for five-and-a-half years.

The vast quantity of high-strength powder was discovered when police raided Philip Pledge’s room in the Bartlemas Road property on October 28, 2020.

Found on Pledge, 54, was the key to the safe in which the cocaine had been stashed. The amount of cocaine found in the room totalled 789g.

As he was taken down from the dock in courtroom one to the cells below court, Pledge could be seen shaking his head towards the jury who’d just convicted him. He was heard saying the words ‘big misjustice’ and ‘you’re so wrong’.

READ MORE: Dealer caught with 789g of COCAINE says it's a 'big misjustice' as he's jailed

Knifeman robbed Sainsbury's

Oxford Mail: Louis Fielding Picture: TVPLouis Fielding Picture: TVP

Knifeman Louis Fielding, 23, left the cashier at a Didcot Sainsbury’s terrified when he pulled out the blade on September 8 last year and told her: “Do you want to die over some money?”

He handed over one of the cans of alcohol he’d taken from the shelf, telling her to use it to open the till.

She complied, giving the robber an estimated £300 from the cash register.

CCTV showed Fielding stalking away from the counter before he returned, swiped the can she’d used to open the till then walked out the shop.

He then went to a nearby Turkish restaurant, ordered some food then gave away the stolen money to a passer-by as he waited for his meal to be prepared.

Jailing him for two years and four months, Recorder Michael Roques said: “What you did […] was absolutely terrifying not only for the cashier but for the other worker that was present.”

READ MORE: Robber held knife up at Sainsbury's cashier and said: "Do you want to die over some money?"

Drunken yob smashed up mum's home

James O’Fiera smashed up his mum’s house after bingeing on cans of lager.

The 32-year-old was made subject to the restraining order in November 2020, banning him from going to his mum’s house in Henley.

On February 23 this year, police were called out to the house in Harpsden Road to reports of a rampage.

O’Fiera had turned up that morning, with his mum coming downstairs to find him in the home.

His temper flared later, after he'd spent the day drinking lager.

He was jailed for 16 months after he admitted breaching the restraining order.

READ MORE: Son who smashed up mum's home after lager drinking session is jailed

Robber's record damned as 'dismal' - by the judge

Oxford Mail:

Thief Antonio Marraffa robbed a woman of her electric bicycle after lying in wait for her outside Marks and Spencer.

The 65-year-old victim suffered a nasty graze in the robbery. The injury was fixed with steri-strips at the hospital.

He was on bail at the time for a series of thefts and attempted thefts of bikes and an e-scooter.

Jailing him for 35 months, Judge Maria Lamb described Marraffa’s record of previous convictions as ‘dismal’ and urged him to take part in courses while inside that would ensure he remained drug-free on his release.

READ MORE: 'Dismal' thief, 26, robbed 65-year-old of £2k e-bike

Ex-partner stabbed in the head

Oxford Mail: George Hassall Picture: TVPGeorge Hassall Picture: TVP

Brooding George Hassall, 22, rained down punches and kicks on his former partner before pulling out a 6cm folding knife an plunging it towards her forehead.

The vicious attack in Reading last November could have been worse had the victim not used her hands to prevent her ex from stabbing her in the neck, prosecutor Matthew Knight told Oxford Crown Court.

She received five stab wounds, including three to her head and two to her hands. In all, she required 26 stitches and was left with permanent scars as a reminder of what Hassall did to her. Her skull was fractured.

In a victim personal statement read to the court by Mr Knight, she said: “I feel what has happened has ruined my life. I was attacked in the street, in broad daylight. I don’t feel safe anymore. How can I?”

Hassall admitted wounding with intent and possession of the knife. Judge Michael Gledhill QC sent him down for two years and eight months.

READ MORE: Man, 22, stabbed former partner in the head

Bank transfers formed part of 'campaign' of harassment

Oxford Mail: Alexander Colson\'s mug shot Picture: TVP

‘Relentless’ ex Alexander Colson sent his former partner tiny sums of money via online bank transfer with references including the words ‘I love you’.

A day after he sent the money, his former partner opened her front door to find a bouquet of flowers on her doorstep.

Despite being arrested by the police then later released under investigation, he continued to breach the restraining order.

Jailing him for two-and-a-half years, Recorder John Bate-Williams described Colson’s behaviour as a ‘despicable and relentless campaign’ against his ex-partner.

He noted that the pre-sentence report compiled by the probation service found that Colson showed little remorse.

Summarising the report, the judge said: “You’ve gone through the motions but you don’t seem to have any interest in really tackling your harassment.”

READ MORE: Banbury man sent his ex cash with words 'I love you'

'I'll get a woman to beat you'

Oxford Mail: Kyran McFarlane mugshot Picture: TVP

Thug Kyran Mcfarlane punched a woman in the face – after earlier telling her he’d get a woman to the scene to ‘beat the s***’ out of her.

The 32-year-old, who earlier this month was jailed for more than three years for a police chase through Oxford that saw him compared to an F1 driver by the judge, was handed an extra 10 months behind bars on Thursday morning.

Judge Michael Gledhill QC said Mcfarlane ‘foolishly’ got involved in the altercation with the group.

“[Your female victim] intervened to come to the assistance of her friend or acquaintance and you turned your attention to her and you assaulted her by punching her and by using your feet,” the judge said.

READ MORE: Yob said he'd fetch a woman to 'beat the ****' out of girls

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