A ROLLOUT of virtual permits is set to provide “huge improvements” in the enforcement of Oxford’s parking restrictions. 

Oxfordshire County Council cabinet member in charge of highways, councillor Tim Bearder, approved the addition of online options for the issuing of permits this week.

Controlled parking zones (CPZ) restrict parking to certain bays in problem areas of the city.

READ MORE: Oxford County Council passes new speed limits on key Bicester roads

Residents, their visitors and local businesses can park when displaying a permit but the need to physically prove eligibility is about to change. 

A new system allowing for applications, payments and the issuing of permits is to be used as an alternative.

Mr Bearder said: “There will be huge improvements in terms of our efficiency in both enforcement and delivery, we will not have to be sending out permits that snarl up people’s windows with sticky bits of paper."

In a public consultation, Unlimited Oxfordshire, a group representing disabled people, expressed a concern about the possible impact on those without access to the internet but a council report confirmed  “that the proposals solely relate to the use of virtual permits, and that those unable to use the internet will still be able to apply for permits in alternative ways”. 

Six people raised concerns that people would not know who has the right to park.

The council report said virtual permits "should support rather than adversely impact on the enforcement of permit parking schemes".


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