WE can expect to see more electric delivery bikes on the streets of Oxford with the help of £70,000 of government money.

The so-called electric cargo bikes will be used to deliver goods across the city – without having to pay a charge to travel inside the city centre Zero Emission Zone.

The money was secured by Oxfordshire County Council, one of 14 local authorities to secure investment from the government's e-cargo bike fund. It will finance an ECObike (Electric Cargo Oxford) project, managed by city bike courier service Pedal & Post.

The ECObike project aims to increase the number of e-cargo bikes making deliveries in Oxford and encourage further uptake of the bikes among local businesses.

The project will be delivered in two stages. The first will see three electric tricycles incorporated into Pedal & Post's delivery fleet to increase deliveries in Oxford for a vegetable box provider from 100 boxes per week up to between 600 and 800.

The second will see Pedal & Post establish a leasing scheme for ten e-cargo bikes, aimed at businesses and residents looking to adapt to Oxford's Zero Emission Zone. This will include training, maintenance and support.

Tim Bearder, county council cabinet member for highway management, said: "This money is an amazing opportunity to provide an alternative to businesses currently reliant on car and van travel.

"By using cargo bikes we can secure a future that is more positive, and help to deliver on the council's commitment to reduce congestion in Oxford city, improve air quality and help businesses to reduce their carbon footprint by making their travel habits more sustainable.

"It will also mean they can travel within the pilot Zero Emission Zone, which started on February 28, without charge.

"There are so many benefits and I hope our ECObike project will inspire other Oxford businesses to consider electric cargo bikes for their last mile deliveries."

For the last two months, one of the electric tricycles has been used to support Oxford Mutual Aid to make over 1,000 grocery deliveries to vulnerable households.

Chris Benton, Founder of Pedal & Post, said: "This is a fantastic opportunity to engage with local businesses, schools and residents who wish to try out an electric cargo bike but haven't used one before and may not be able to afford the upfront cost.

"We will be helping to operate the leasing scheme and supporting people with maintenance, insurance, and training for newer less confident riders. It's an exciting project that we can learn a lot from and has real potential to grow. The more cargo bikes in our city the better."