Members of gang of drug-fuelled teenagers was said to have tortured a woman, raped her and threatened to dump her body in the woods.

During the ordeal, the woman was allegedly barricaded in a flat, her hair was cut, she was burned with cigarettes, chilli oil was poured on her, one youth was said to have urinated on her, she was burned with cigarettes and a pair of pliers were used on her tongue.

Prosecutors claim she was kicked, struck with a hairbrush and vacuum cleaner parts, made to scrub a floor, given food to eat from the bin, forced to smoke heroin through a rolled-up bank note, force-fed Valium, then raped by the flat’s owner Alexander Azevedo while she was ‘out of her head’ on drugs.

The following morning, June 23, she was said to have been put in a taxi by Azevedo and driven back to her mum’s home. She was taken to hospital and, subsequently, interviewed by the police.

Opening the case against the three adults and two youths at Oxford Crown Court yesterday, prosecutor Patrick Duffy said all but one of the alleged torturers made threats to ‘take her to the woods and kill her’.

One, the alleged victim’s former friend Natasha Washington, claimed she would ‘put her dead body in a tent in the woods’.

Mr Duffy told jurors: “She was scared and she thought she was going to die.

“Mr [Sonny] Weir said the only reason they were not going to do that was because she had a family.”

It was suggested that the ordeal, which allegedly saw the complainant barricaded into a flat in Britannia Wharf, Banbury, was prompted by a perceived slight to Natasha Washington and Sonny Weir.

The two accused the woman, who knew them socially and was said to be in the same circle of cocaine-snorting youngsters, of ‘snitching’ on her. The night before, Weir is alleged to have threatened to kill her while brandishing a ‘Rambo’ style knife.

Mr Duffy told the jury that the woman’s DNA was found on Weir’s sock, which was allegedly used as a gag, and hair found in a vacuum cleaner and on a pair of scissors at Azevedo’s flat.

Interviewed by detectives, Azevedo admitted having sex with the woman but claimed it had been initiated by her. Weir denied holding her against her will and said ‘everyone was taking drugs’. Washington said she had previously been close with the complainant but had been ‘disgusted’ by her drug taking.

Azevedo, 20, of Britannia Wharf, Banbury, denies rape, false imprisonment, ABH and administering a noxious substance with intent.

Weir, 20, of Pope Walk, Banbury, has pleaded not guilty to ABH, administering a poisonous substance with intent, and making a threat to kill. He has admitted ABH and false imprisonment.

Washington, 19, of no fixed address, denies false imprisonment, ABH and administering a noxious substance with intent.

Youth A, 17, has pleaded not guilty to attempted wounding with intent, by pouring boiling water over the woman’s shod foot, ABH, common assault, battery, false imprisonment and administering a noxious substance with intent.

Youth B, 16, denies assisting an offender by flushing hair clippings down the toilet and false imprisonment.

The trial, which is expected to last four weeks, continues.

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