The amount of dog fouling in an area of Hinksey is “disgusting”, say people living and walking their dogs there.

The issue of owners failing to clean up their dog’s mess is reportedly problematic around the gates of New Hinksey School, Wytham Street and Devil’s Backbone bridge.

People living in the area have noted the increase the problem, as two councillors are now working with the police to tackle it.

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One dog walker, who was out walking on Devil’s Backbone, described dog fouling in the area as “disgusting”.

Oxford Mail: Dog foul left on Wytham Street Dog foul left on Wytham Street

She said: “There are a lot of dogs around so it’s not surprising really. It is quite bad at the moment.

“What worries me is the prams and children’s bikes that are going in and out of houses."

The dog walker told the Oxford Mail she and her children are “always having to check our feet before going into the house”.

A man who lives on Wytham Street, and wished to remain anonymous, said while the issue is “better than it used to be years ago” he does see foul on the road.

He added that just last week there was dog mess left at the bottom of his own gate.

This experience was echoed by another man who lives further up Wytham street who said “Occasionally, a dog does do a poo on our driveway”.

Oxford Mail: Dog foul left on Wytham Street Dog foul left on Wytham Street

A third resident, who did not wish to be named, described the problem as “noticeable” and added there is “quite a bit of mess on the footpath”.

He noted it is “difficult” to tackle the problem as down to the individual owners to clean up after their dogs.

The escalation of the problem has now seen two city councillors vow to tackle it.

Labour councillors Marie Tidball and Naomi Waite, who both represent Hinksey Park, took to social media to inform their constituents of what they will be doing to combat dog fouling.

Ms Tidball wrote on Facebook four points which will be used reduce incidents. These are:

• Write to residents that overlook the school area and footpath for further evidence

• Plan regular patrols for two weeks

• Ask for street scenes to carry out a sweep of the street

• Work with the school to put some advice out to parents with the school's approval.

Oxford Mail: Dog foul signage at St John the Evangelist church in HinkseyDog foul signage at St John the Evangelist church in Hinksey

She added stickers and signage are to be place in the area and arrangements have been made to clear any dog foul on the footpath which leads from Wytham Street to Devil’s Backbone.

As well as this, the dog bins bin adjacent to the bridge will be monitored to ensure they are being emptied.


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