A SCHOOL has started work on replacing its sport pavilion at Christ Church Meadow.

Nine pupils from Christ Church Cathedral School took part in a ‘turn the turf’ ceremony to mark the start of construction for the new building.

The existing pavilion was built in 1939, while the new one will be a multi-purpose facility for sport, outdoor learning and social events.

Headmaster Richard Murray said: “I am delighted that the new pavilion will rise, phoenix-like, from the ashes of the old.

“It will be an elegant addition to the buildings of Oxford in an incomparable position on Christ Church Meadow.

“Our pupils and parents are looking forward to making use of this wonderful new facility on a day-to-day basis and we are extremely excited about the tournaments and charitable events that we will now be able to hold on the most beautiful playing fields in England.”

The building, which will feature two changing rooms and a designated area for kit storage, will be built in sections off-site and be finally erected on Christ Church Meadow in time for the school’s cricket season.

It has been designed by Oxford’s Montgomery Architects and will be built using sustainable materials with low-energy lighting used.