Last week, the finalists for the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards were announced but we think Oxfordshire’s animals are just as funny.

The 42 finalists for the awards show off the very best (and most hilarious) moments from the animal kingdom. A giggling seal, an angry starling and a pigeon hit in the face with a leaf are just some of the photos which reached the finals.

As well as providing some light-hearted relief the competition also aims to raise awareness about wildlife conservation in a positive way.

Here in Oxfordshire, we are a county of animal-lovers and want to protect and celebrate all of our non-human residents.

The Oxford Mail posted on Facebook asking residents to send in their funniest photographs of Oxfordshire’s animals.

Check out hilarious photographs of Oxfordshire’s animals below:

Oxford Mail: (Lucie Johnson)(Lucie Johnson)

Lucie Johnson’s dog Mimmy is looking very stylish and clearly stole inspiration from Ariel, the little mermaid.

Oxford Mail: Simon BookerSimon Booker

This snap from photographer Simon Booker shows off the toothy grin of a horse (who is probably very happy is getting a carrot).

Oxford Mail: (Jo Hicks)(Jo Hicks)

This very sandy pup belongs to Jo Hicks. It looks like Charlie’s first trip to the beach was a huge success and he really enjoyed himself.

Oxford Mail: (Simon Booker)(Simon Booker)

Another snap here from Mr Booker who captured a very, very grumpy looking bird. I wonder who ruined it’s morning?

The next three photos show bird’s have absolutely no respect for authority (or signs).

Oxford Mail: (Simon Booker)(Simon Booker)

Oxford Mail: (Lucie Johnson)(Lucie Johnson)

Oxford Mail: (Simon Booker)(Simon Booker)