News that parents on the new Barton Park estate are concerned for their children’s safety crossing the A40 every day to get to school, has split Oxford Mail readers.

We reported that there were calls for the A40 Northern Bypass to have its 50mph speed limit reduced over fears that it is not safe for children to cross on their way to school.

Resident Michelle Francis and her five-year-old daughter have to use the crossing every day to get to Barton Park Primary School.

She told the Oxford Mail: “People rag around Barton Park like it’s a racetrack and it’s really scary.

“You have to be on your guard when you are using that crossing, even if it’s a green man, as it can become dangerous.”

READ MORE: Road speed limit in Barton Park could be reduced after parents fear children are not safe

The story split our readers, with some more sympathetic than others.

Justin Walton: “That’s what tends to happen when you build an estate next to a carriage way!”

Robb Hearne: “And you wonder why none of us want to drive trucks. Stop fixing things that ain’t broken.”

Robert Mitchell: “Which blind corner is there on a three mile straight stretch of road? I drive that road every day and I keep to the speed limit; not all do, but it’s a bypass. Never seen a near miss at the lights or issues with people crossing.

“Reducing the speed limit will achieve nothing as the speeders will always speed. Why choose to live there it you are really concerned?”

Natasha Cameron: “The roads are safe there if people stick to the limit. They need a speed camera there.”

Dawn Marie: “A bridge would be ideal - like the Cutteslowe one.”

Susan Harper: “Don’t build a housing development next to a dual carriage way. They knew there was a road there when they moved in.”

John-Paul Wallcraft: “Don’t build a housing development next to a dual carriageway, or if you do build proper infrastructure for pedestrians.”

John Walravens: “The A40 needs to have its speed limit raised back to 70mph.”

Lizzie Lights: “Did they notice the ENORMOUS A40 RING ROAD when they moved in?”

Tim O’Gara: “All these muppets upset that they have to slow down a bit for couple miles. It makes literally no difference to your day!”

Julie Francis: “I don’t think people some people know the speed limit. Should be lower plus a flashing 30mph [sign] all the way up that road.”

Sean Crouch: “Don’t let kids play on roads, then, and teach them to cross roads properly. The amount of times I see and have them just run out into the road; it’s beyond stupid.”

Alexander Carter: “A bridge or underpass sounds like the best idea.”

Simon West: “It’s possibly one of the dumbest junctions I’ve ever seen. How someone hasn’t been killed yet is astonishing.”

Robert Sellar: “Once again, council and newspapers wishing to move the problem and not attempt to fix it.

“This is the current way of life; don’t try to fix a problem just move it. They tell the world how good you are at your job.

“Before anyone thinks legislation will solve the problem by reducing the speed, think again.”

Steve Hill: “Probably shouldn’t have planned it with wide straight roads then. ”

Oxford Mail Reader: “I have many times travelled along this road and have seen many cars go through the red light.

“I have also had cars literally on my bumper flashing lights and undertaking myself and others and I know there have been a few accidents near the lights already.

“If it isn’t dealt with soon someone will end up getting killed.

“I cannot understand why they haven’t built a bridge like further down by Cutteslowe Park.”