PEOPLE attending Oxford’s largest Mosque have said they felt ignored over the installation of the controversial Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme.

Yesterday, Muslims attending Eid morning prayers were addressed by trustees about the proposed LTN scheme in East Oxford.

The LTN, implemented by Oxfordshire County Council, would see traffic filters placed on most roads between Iffley Road and Cowley Road to stop rat-runs and reduce traffic pollution.

Read also: The ‘LTNs are working’: locals switch cars for walking and cycling, say Liveable Cowley

Video footage showed Arif Jan, asking attendees whether they supported the proposed plans for the LTNs or not.

Faisal Aziz, a trustee of the central Oxford Mosque on Manzil Way, said out of the 2,900 people who attended the Mosque for two morning prayers, 95 per cent of attendees said they were against the plans, whereas one person said they were for.

Mr Aziz and the management committee said they do not feel the Mosque was properly consulted about the proposals.

He said: “It is not correct that we did not have proper consultation – we are key stakeholders in the city.

“As a Mosque, we are very environmentally friendly – Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings upon him and his family) encouraged us to walk to the Mosque, and our Imams’ announce every Friday if people can please walk to the Mosque whenever they can.

“But we are a big Mosque – people come from far away, some people are worried about getting on public transport after Covid and some elderly people cannot walk.

“We understand the need for the LTNs and the benefits – we agree with keeping our roads safer for residents, less congestion, and less pollution – however, we have had this forced upon in an already deprived area.”

In June protestors met on Manzil Way to campaign against the council’s plans for the East Oxford LTNs.

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Mr Aziz is now requesting the decision of whether the LTNs will be put in place, which is meant to take next week, can be delayed so an alternative solution can be found.

The county council has said that the LTNs do not stop any access to any given address, including the place of worship at Manzil Way, but individuals may need to use a new route.

A spokesperson added: “We acknowledge that some people will still need to use a vehicle.

“We encourage residents to look at adapting how they travel during the trial; for many, this could mean making a faster and more efficient journey and avoiding traffic by walking or cycling to their destination.”

Residents are encouraged to submit their views on the Cowley LTN scheme by visiting