A cannabis farmer was spared an immediate term behind bars.

Donatas Rulys, 34, was caught in a house in Barns Road, Oxford, when police raided the suspected cannabis factory on April 26.

Prosecutor Cathy Olliver told Oxford Crown Court that Rulys had answered the door. Inside were 155 mature cannabis plants.

Sentencing him to 14 months imprisonment suspended for two years, Judge Maria Lamb said: “You were involved in - it is accepted – to a lesser extent, a cannabis factory.

“There were significant quantities of cannabis produced by that factory, which I am satisfied would have been for commercial use.

The defendant had made admissions to the police in interview and pleaded guilty on a basis at the earliest opportunity. He was of previous good character and had spent two months on remand.

Rulys, of Barns Road, Oxford, admitted producing a class B drug.

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