A SCHOOL has responded after allegations were made about inappropriate behaviour by a former teacher towards an ex-pupil.

An anonymous allegation on the abuse testimony website Everyone's Invited claimed a male teacher at Sibford School, near Banbury, sexually assaulted an underage boy at a party at his home.

The independent school for girls and boys aged three to 18 says it has reported the allegations of abuse described on the website to Thames Valley Police.

The anonymous submission described the teacher as ‘sweary and inappropriate’, and said that he gave ‘candid details about his sex life’.

It then went on to describe the nature of the abuse: “After we had finished sixth form he threw a party for former students at his house.

“He got embarrassingly drunk and passed out on the floor.

“When I woke up he was stroking my hair saying ‘my darling boy, do you want a kiss’. I let him do it.

“I let him slide in next to me and say ‘I want to touch you all over, to teach you it's ok to be touched’. And he did.”

A spokesperson from the school said: “Sibford School makes safeguarding an absolute priority at all times.

“Our education is based around outstanding pastoral care and we regularly invite Thames Valley Police to the school to educate the community about consent, online safety and appropriate behaviours.

“At the time of the Everyone’s Invited movement we made a public statement which strongly encouraged any member of our community or former member of our community, to approach the police or other relevant authorities should they have any concerns or allegations.

“As soon as the recent anonymous allegation came to our attention on May 24 we spoke to the police to report this and we would always fully cooperate with any investigation.

“Sibford will continue to reflect on our own safeguarding culture, ensuring it is one which promotes positive, healthy and respectful relationships, and enables all within the community to feel safe in calling out and reporting inappropriate behaviours.”

Thames Valley Police said they cannot comment on the allegations, unless they are provided with a date and a location of the incident.

Everyone's Invited was launched in June last year by activist Soma Sara in a bid to tackle abuse and rape culture.

By now, more than 16,550 testimonies have been published on the website – many of them from the educational sector.