ANGRY university students forking out £9,250 a year in fees, are calling for refunds after face-to-face teaching was cancelled.

The Department for Education expects all remaining students to be able to go back to lectures and seminars when the further easing of restrictions on social contact indoors is lifted, which will be no earlier than May 17.

Progression to the next stage of the road map will be dependent on a review of the latest data and the impact of other restrictions that have eased already – like non-essential shops and pubs reopening.

However, most university students will have already finished their courses by then – leaving them to do exams online without any face-to-face teaching this year.

University leaders have also criticised the Government after it confirmed that all students in England will not be allowed to return to campus until at least mid-May.

One second-year Oxford Brookes student, who is studying international relations said: “They were sending us emails throughout most of semester-two saying that they expected us back at some point but then in an email on Wednesday they confirmed we won’t be able to go back until May 17 when everyone’s courses have already finished.

“I did have face-to-face teaching for seminars in semester-one, but for semester-two I haven’t been back on campus at all.

“We shouldn’t be paying £9,250 for the year when most of us haven’t even stepped on campus for months.

“Then there is the fact that none of the facilities we have been paying for are available to us. For example, I used to do rock climbing at our indoor centre but that got closed in November.”

Speaking on a university Facebook page, one anonymous student at Oxford Brookes also called for fees to be reduced to the same as those charged by the Open University – which teaches remotely.

They said: “Many students have had no face-to-face teaching since the start of the year. I personally know a number of students on science courses, who have had no time in the labs, despite lab working being a fundamental part of their course. The Open University fee is £6,336. I think it’s only right we pay the same.”

Most students – apart from those on critical and practical courses – were told they would not return to campus as part of the lockdown announced in January.

University students who require specialist equipment, like medical students, returned to face-to-face teaching on March 8.

It is estimated that around half of university students across England are not eligible to return to classrooms and lecture theatres.

Parents also complained about the rules.

Claire Ryman said: “My daughter is in her second year studying primary education. She hasn’t even managed to do half the amount of placement as usual years, and four weeks of it has been on a computer doing stuff for children at home. She definitely needs a reduction in costs – they’re basically doing Open University which costs loads less.”

Lisa Dunn added: “Why should they pay for a service they aren’t getting? It’s a business like any other and if you aren’t getting what you signed up for they need to compensate for that.”

Staff at Oxford Brookes are ‘bitterly disappointed’ not to welcome students back to the campus before May – which is when courses would have already finished, but say that their hands are tied.

A spokesperson explained: “However, we are obliged to follow government guidance and will continue to provide high-quality online learning for those students not permitted to return.

“Despite the very difficult circumstances of the pandemic, academic colleagues at Oxford Brookes have worked heard to maintain a high level of academic provision, which is in line with guidelines set down by the Office for Students.

“We believe that standards have been maintained. If students have concerns or complaints about the level of academic provision, we would encourage them to raise them through our existing channels.”


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