FUNDS have been made available to give a boost to cultural projects in the city.

Oxford City Council will delegate funding - with grants from £500 to £1,000 available - to cultural organisations and artists in Oxford.

Applications for the grant open this week.

The Culture Fund was created to provide cultural groups with the ability to leverage other funding sources.

Over the past year, the fund has awarded over £29,000 to successful applications, who have used this to secure £319,446 in cash and £113,196 in-kind contributions.

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Projects the fund has supported so far include a £1,000 grant to ArtWeeks, £1,000 to the Orchestra of St John and £1,000 to Tangled Webb for its Sleeping Beauty production.

The Culture Fund will open for its first round of applications until April 7.

Councillor Mary Clarkson, said: “I am delighted that we can continue to support artists and community organisations with the Culture Fund this year.

“I know that, given the impact the pandemic has had on the cultural sector, this funding will be welcome support and a great way to re-engage the community in the arts.

“I look forward to seeing what projects can be delivered this year.”

Apply by visiting

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