FOR the third weekend in a row, Oxford City Council has activated its severe weather emergency protocol to make emergency beds available for rough sleepers.

Single rooms were opened for anyone who wants to come inside from tonight until Monday morning.

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They are made available on every night the Met Office forecasts freezing overnight temperatures.

It is likely that they will remain open until Thursday as the forecast shows sub-zero overnight temperatures, however, the council will review the situation on Monday.

In previous years SWEP was provided in shared spaces but the need to keep people safe during the pandemic means they are now offered their own room for the night.

Councillor Mike Rowley, cabinet member for affordable housing and housing the homeless, said: "We are activating SWEP for the third weekend running and offering emergency shelter for anyone experiencing rough sleeping who wants to come inside.

"We are opening SWEP tonight on a discretionary basis and there are yellow warnings for snow and ice for the rest of the weekend.

"Freezing overnight temperatures are currently forecast from Sunday night until at least Thursday morning, but we will review the situation on Monday morning and make a decision on whether to extend SWEP then."

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