I enjoyed reading Steve Smith's letter, Ill informed rant (Oxford Mail, November 26).

I thought it was a well written, with a logical argument about smoking in pubs.

I felt, though, that he didn't concentrate on the true loser in the victory - a victory demanded by the strident anti-smoking lobby, backed by vast amounts of propaganda, much of which is unproven.

The real loser and one that ultimately affects everyone in this country is democracy.

If the anti-smoking brigade was so sure that there was a majority in favour in all pubs and clubs, surely it would have been more than willing to allow the public, including the breweries and publicans, to decide whether they wanted smoke-free establishments or not?

As they are such a majority of patrons, then the brewers and publicans would have immediately, with an eye on profit, have said: "Yes, of course we'll ban smoking, smokers are only a small percentage of our custom."

The public would have said: "We outnumber smokers, so we'll vote against them."

So given this, why wasn't a free vote allowed, with each venue being given the choice to be either smoking or smoke-free?

Because they would have lost.

So instead our Government behaved in a fascist, dictatorial manner to kill democracy and impose the will of the vociferous anti-smoking lobby.

No, Mr Smith, I for one no longer go to pubs or clubs as I will not pay money to be treated as a leper now that democracy is dead.

Real democracy would be smoking pubs/clubs, run by smoking staff, and smoke-free ones run by non-smokers. That would give freedom of choice and be democratic.

But, of course, this was tried previously on a voluntary basis and surprise, surprise, non-smoking pubs lost out, so now they opt for Russian tactics to get their way. RIP democracy.

I wonder if the non-stop anti-smoking propaganda on TV is paid for out of the billions raised in taxes from smokers.

Incidentally, Steve Smith is no relation. Smiths are numerous, not common.

AD SMITH London Road Headington Oxford