Thieves stole an empty lorry and rammed it through a six-foot steel gate before dumping it in a layby off the A34.

The crooks smashed a side window of the 7.5-tonne lorry in Downs Road, Witney, overnight on Thursday.

Grant Evans, of tyre collection firm Fraser Evans and Sons, which owns the truck, said it appeared the thieves had unsuccessfully tried to cut open the padlock on the metal gate.

He said they must have then scaled the fence, before starting the lorry and driving it at full force through the gate.

One of the firm's drivers then spotted the bright yellow truck dumped just off the A34 at Weston-on-the-Green early on Friday morning and alerted police.

Mr Evans said: "We think the lorry has been dumped after being used in another crime. They had gone through such hassle to get it. They tried cutting our gate open and then they drove the lorry into it.

"They were desperate for transport. The gate has been bent. There was another lorry that was easier to get but it was full of tyres."

He added the truck was now with police who were examining it for forensic evidence.

Thames Valley Police spokesman Toby Shergold said officers were keeping an open mind about the motive of the theft and were investigating.

Anyone with information should call police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.