OXFORD has recorded more than 30 new cases of coronavirus in 24 hours as an increase in positive tests across the county continues.

According to Public Health England, as of 9am Friday, these are the number of new Covid-19 cases in 24 hours;

Oxford - 31

  • Oxfordshire - 89
  • UK - 13,86

Oxfordshire's cases were among the 49,588 recorded across the South East, a figure which rose by 933 over the period.

The total coronavirus cases since the pandemic started;

  • Oxford - 1,487
  • Oxfordshire - 4,661
  • UK - 575,679

Cumulative case counts include patients who are currently unwell, have recovered and those that have died.

The rolling weekly rate of new cases, covering the seven days to October 6, show Oxford has a rate of 118.7 based on 181 positive tests.

The infection rate is cases per 100,000 people.

Last week, the city had a rate of 86.6 from 132 new infections.

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It puts Oxford at more than double the rate of 50 needed to trigger a red alert.

Cases have been high enough in the city and in other parts of the county that Oxfordshire as a whole is at the highest alert level.

The county's director of public health Ansaf Azhar, however, has stressed while people need to follow safety measures Oxford is not among the worst impacted parts of the country.

Nottingham currently has the highest weekly rate at 760.6 from 2,532 new cases.