PEOPLE are being encouraged to wrap up a shoebox and fill it with gifts for less fortunate children around the world.

Orchard Baptist Church, which meets in Cooper School in Bicester has been involved in the initiative called Operation Christmas Child for 10 years.

Its project leader, Bea Foster, is calling on residents to take part this year and break the record of the number of shoeboxes shipped.

She said: “It is such a fun project, as you know the donations go straight into the hands of the children. Each box is unique to its donor and such fun to make up. I stockpile items for mine in the January sales."

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People must wrap a shoebox in Christmas paper before packing packing it with pens, notepads, toys, toothbrushes or any items that we take for granted.

The boxes are then shipped to children living in poverty.

Orchard Baptist Church donates around 40 shoeboxes, while local individuals and schools in Bicester usually make around 300.

People also usually make at least 250 shoeboxes at a huge 'Wrap and Pack' session, with much fundraising and crafting throughout the year, but due to Covid restrictions this cannot take place.

Ms Foster added: “I am hoping this year people will pack as individuals or online, and with schools and churches also encouraging people, I’d like us to break the record for Bicester this year and send more than 600 shoeboxes of gifts for needy children overseas.

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“In this way, children in countries who live by subsistence will be able to enjoy some luxuries and know they are thought of and prayed for by friends from many lands.

"One of the most important things to put into a box is a greeting card and perhaps a photo of yourself to make it more personal. I would encourage everyone to start building their box now.”

If you would like to get involved and find out more details on what items you can put inside the boxes, go to