Smokers in Oxfordshire are being encouraged to stop during this year's 'Stoptober'.

Research shows that smokers who give up for a whole month are up to five times more likely to stay smoke-free for good.

Oxfordshire County Council has joined forces with SmokeFreeLife Oxfordshire to provide those that want to quit with the support they need in the form of virtual clinics, and online and telephone support.

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The scheme also revealed that a 20-a-day smoker can save more than £300 a month by not buying cigarettes.

Lorraine, a mother of four from Oxford, has recently completed a 12-week course and has managed to quit smoking.

She said: “I was smoking 20 a day and I'm so happy as I have managed to save more than £700 pounds.

“I will use this to take my kids on holiday once we can, this is all down to your amazing advisors and the support they have given me over the last few months. Thank you so much.”