AN Oxfordshire man ran 5km for charity after being interviewed by a BBC One presenter.

Bryan Taunton from Bicester, who works at Tesco superstore in the town, took part in the Very 2020 Race for Life event.

Before the 44-year-old set off on his run with four other Tesco colleagues, he was interviewed by The One Show star Alex Jones, who asked him how the terrible impact of breast cancer on his sister Paula had inspired him to run.

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The interview was streamed live on Facebook, with thousands of people going online to watch events as they unfolded.

More than 56,000 people have now watched a video of the interview on Facebook, and the webpage has over 672,000 followers.

Mr Taunton said: “The interview with Alex was great. She was really nice and is very passionate about Race for Life.

Oxford Mail:

“Many Tesco colleagues across the UK have done something similar to me, raising funds for this important cause, so it’s been a big team effort.”

Rather than taking part in an event with lots of other people, Mr Taunton and his colleagues ran in their own small, socially distanced group to comply with pandemic rules.

Thousands of people did something similar across the country.

They set off from the Whitelands Farm Sports Pavillion to cover 5km and raised £330 for Cancer Research UK, with funds still coming in.

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Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco, is a series of 5km, 10km, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids events that raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer by funding crucial research.

These events are vital in funding essential research into developing gentler and more effective treatments for cancer – a disease that will affect one-in-two people in the UK at some stage in their lives.