AN EMPTY warehouse in Cowley will not be demolished to make way for new homes and flats.

A former industrial unit down a lane behind homes on Marshall Road was once used as a bakery and a furniture store before it fell into disuse.

Developer Drennan International Ltd had wanted to build five flats and two pairs of semi-detached houses in the place of the warehouse.

But Oxford City Council's east area planning committee refused permission for the new homes, with planning staff citing a series of concerns.

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These included that the new homes did not 'make best use' of the site, did not fit in with local buildings, and that there was not enough cycle parking provided for the new build.

In a planning document presented to the committee, planning officer Clare Gray described the planned homes as "a site layout that is dominated by the provision of turning space and parking, and it does not respond in a positive way to the local character."

Simon Sharp, an agent for Drennan International, said the plans were the 'fairest way' to build at the site in a way which would provide homes for families.

Committee member Roz Smith said: "I'm pleased to see that this former employment site is being considered for housing but I quite agree with the officer's recommendation."

The committee chairwoman, Sian Taylor agreed and said that the 'right thing' needed to be built in the 'right place'.

Oxford Mail:

Sian Taylor

If the site was developed, there would have been two pairs of semi-detached houses as well as flats in a single large, three-storey block.

The flats on the first floor and ground floor would each have had their own private balcony, while the fifth flat would be in the loft.

Alongside the new homes, there would have been 11 parking spaces: one for each house and flat and two for guests.

READ AGAIN about when the plans for Marshall Road were first announced

According to Companies House, Drennan International has a registered address at Temple Road in Cowley.

The company usually makes specialist fishing gear and supplies it to high street shops .

For more information about the application, visit and search for reference 20/00821/FUL.