A GROUP campaigning for a different kind of voting system have taken to the streets of Oxford.

On Saturday, August 22, the Make Votes Matter campaign discussed a shift to a vote system called Proportional Representation (PR)with shoppers in Summertown.

PR is often claimed to be fairer and more representative than the current voting system, known as first past the post.

Sue Ledwith, one of the organisers of the 'day of action' said: “We are fed up with having to vote tactically rather than for the party we actually support. We want a system where every vote counts."

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Make Votes Matter said it wanted to see an end to tactical voting, like that which helped local Liberal Democrat Layla Moran get elected as MP for Oxford West and Abingdon in 2017, over the sitting Conservative Nicola Blackwood.

The vote was won because of 'a progressive alliance' according to Make Votes Matter.

A petition calling on local MPs to back PR is online.