I refer to the letter from Julian Annells, organiser of the Abingdon fireworks display (Oxford Mail, November 22).

This is a very sad situation for all event organisers.

Many of them are held in support of charities - for example, the 9th Abingdon Air and Country Show on May 4, 2008, supports the Thames Valley air ambulance.

As such, they need as much public exposure as they can.

Yes, there are advertising outlets other than roadside signs, but they almost invariably cost money, thereby reducing the amount of cash the event can donate to its designated charity.

Not everybody uses these outlets anyway.

Whether council staff are operating strictly to the letter of the law, I know not, but surely a little flexibility and public-spirited help would not go amiss? After all, one day they may need the air ambulance, or any charity that relies on these events.

COLIN SMITH Press and sponsorship officer Abingdon Air and Country Show