WEST Oxfordshire District Council might have to pay out up to £75,000 for a new financial mandarin.

The district council shares some members of staff with the neighbouring Cotswold District Council.

But last year the Gloucestershire authority told West Oxfordshire it no longer wanted to share a chief finance officer.

At its first remote meeting, scheduled to be held over a video call next Wednesday, West Oxfordshire will discuss appointing a new member of staff in charge of the purse strings.

A job description for the post said the new officer could be paid up to £75,000 a year, and an extra £50,000 was set aside for the role in the 2020/21 budget, agreed by the council in February.

The chief finance officer would also have to act as a deputy to the chief executive of the council: effectively second in command among paid staff at West Oxfordshire District Council.

The job description calls for a qualification recognised the governing body for chartered accountants, the CCAB and a lot of experience of working in a senior financial role.

The council is duty bound to employ a chief finance officer and has already started advertising for the new member of staff.