PEOPLE have been exploiting the vulnerable during the current crisis as they promise to buy groceries for the elderly, but instead steal their money.

Thames Valley Police in Oxford received its first report of thieves taking cash from an elderly man and promising to go to the shops for him - only to disappear with the cash.

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Warnings are being issued by the Police and Trading standards in other areas as growing numbers of people - particularly the elderly - remain in their homes to protect themselves from coronavirus.

Police say that while families, neighbours and community groups are trying to help those who are stuck at home, some 'cynical thieves' are exploiting the situation.

The force says it does not want to discourage anyone from helping their neighbours or family members in this time of need and do not want to breed distrust in those genuine offers of help.

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Here is some advice that the police gives to the elderly:

  • Try to only liaise with someone you are familiar with.
  • Try to give small amounts of cash for essentials, do not hand over a bank card.

A statment from the police says: "Please look out for your neighbours and family members who may not have access to social media and therefore will not be receiving this information."